July 27, 2024

Treasured Mentioned Rock Carvings.

1 min read

Barsu village of Maharashtra Ratnagiri district has the proud possession of Rock Art,- petroglyphs-of about 20000 years old. It is a rare find and maybe a critical indicator in the research progress of civilization . State archeology and the archeological survey of India have marked it as a protected monument.UNESCO added it to its world heritage site.

A large oil and refinery project is in the blueprints which place this heritage site on the danger list.

There will always be a tussle between the needs of the present generation and heritage. Same thing we see in matters of present need and preservation of Nature. The old art, rock carvings, and such indestructible are the only things we are getting from our ancestors who walked the earth a long long time back. There is no end to shut yet the thirst for consumerism. We also find that today’s dire need becomes tomorrow’s waste. Yester years wonder Gramophone, where we see the pet listening to “His Master’s Voice” is now jostling in the shelves as a curio. Motor cars are slowly changing from petroleum-based to electrically operated. By 2040 large part of the world will have electric-operated cars instead of oil. The prehistoric creations of any place are a treasure for the entire mankind.

With more findings in different places on different Continent will ultimately enable the researchers to come to a more conclusive picture of the growth and progress of human civilization.

** Beautiful mind

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