“Freedom of Expression”
1 min readEven now question are being raise on “Freedom of Expression”
This question was raised by Big B in the KIFF programme .It sparked a debate nationwide.The elite took it as a rebuke to the Modi Government.A large section of elitists think that way. But surprisingly the baritone was voiced at KIFF,Kolkata,West Bengal, yet the media by and large failed,intentionally or unknowingly to check the records of local Chief Minister Mamata Banarjee’s record of public expression .
A hardly reported fact is that the media censors the calamity and travails of Hindus in Bangladesh.Sometimes it reaches the peak. Hardly anybody cares about it very few human right activists worked for these hapless people.Mr. Shariar Kabir is one of that very small noble group of people who cares for them.In West Bengal a small indoor auditorium meeting was organized by some locals in a distinct town. In that programme there was” shorts “ on lives of some Bangladeshi Hindus.Instantly Mamata’s Police swooped down on the premises and stopped the viewing. People in dire misery are forcibly refrained from expressing the documented facts on occasion against Hindus.
Worst of all, the entire episode got very scanty mention in three four lines in very few mediums.